Saturday 16 September 2017
Charity Concert a huge success....

Bridgend group of Parkinson's UK and award winning Bridgend Male Choir combined their efforts to put on a choral evening at the Bethlehem Church Life Centre in Cefn Cribwr on Saturday 16th Sept.
The choir performed to a sell-out audience, along with Maesteg soprano Rhian Hughes and the Bethlehem Church Life Centre's own Garage Gospel Choir.
Enjoyed by all that attended, the concert was a mix of classical and contemporary vocal excellence. The choir, along with Stephanie Bailey conducting and Stewart Roberts accompanying, did not disappoint with its impressive harmonies. Soprano Rhian Hughes delighted with her angelic tones, and the Garage Gospel Choir with Pastor Nigel Impson-Fleming at their lead gave uplifting songs of praise.
David Burt, a long standing member of the Choir, and recently diagnosed with Parkinson's, took it upon himself to arrange the Concert with overwhelming support from local businesses and the Bethlehem Church Life Centre. Julia Phillips, Treasurer of Bridgend Parkinson's UK branch, gave thanks to all involved with in excess of £3500 raised to aid the continuation of stemcell research at Cardiff University.